Monday, June 24, 2013


It may only be Monday however if you are anything like me you are already looking forward to the weekend. Keep reading see how I like to spend a good Girl's Night In...

There is only one thing I love more than girl’s night out and that is Girl’s Night In! While I love getting dressed up and putting on a killer pair of heels and spending hours perfecting my hair and make-up sometimes a girl just wants to call up her girls, throw on your most comfy sweats and have a girl’s night in. Here are my must have’s for the perfect GNI:
  • The Girl’s Night In Cocktail – This drink is so DELICIOUS! Plus, if done right you can make a whole jug of this for under $7 (trust me I have!)

  • Ryan Gossling or Channing Tatum! While I cannot guarantee them in person (if you can make that happen I NEED to be your friend) one of these men in a movie is guaranteed to have you swooning (you are welcome!)

  • Snacks! There is no dieting at GNI. We eat anything and everything…pizza, ice cream, candy, popcorn. I know it may sound like a 10 year old’s birthday party but I promise it is a lot more fun to just distress and not worry for once. Have fun. Eat. Indulge!

  • Lastly this isn’t a must have more of a please don’t…leave your phone at home. Your girlfriends are one of the best relationships you should have in your life and it’s okay to disconnect. No one is going to care.

Let's look forward to the weekend!

Love Always

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